Monday, February 27, 2012

Week 7- Special Edition

 I wasn't really technically in class this week (it wouldn't hurt to send out an email reminding the class we're not meeting in the classroom!)  Monday I was late so I went downtown and took pictures since I had no other classses, and downtown is halfway to school. I was clearly near water tower. I like the area, there are a lot of old people that live around there actually if you go into the side streets, makes it a nice walking zone.

I used my GE A1255 12.2 mp camera, and edited a bit using Iphoto adjustments. I tried to frame the subjects in the middle of the shots, and I used different settings on the camera such as flash, zoom, portrait, and cloudy settings. all of the objects are found, there were no creative arrangements.

I wanted to capture photos and had the "fire" theme in my head still. The wall and the tower on top are art of the water tower area in the near north Chicago, which lasted through the big crazy destructive Chicago fire. I guess I'm showing the resiliency of my city. The bottom left photo was taken on an L platform near my home and it just looked desolate, my concept was to capture it in the most interesting way possible, which ended up being at this angle looking down over it, but not beyond it. The cone is definitely in focus first on purpose. I also want you to see the dirt. It's grimy, it's been used, it is forgotten there. The bottom right photo was taken at the fire house just down the road from the water tower. I really wanted a good shot of their door, but the trees over there were constantly in the way no matter where I angled the camera from. I thought this one was a little ironic because it reads FIRE but this photo is rather serene to me. there are nice rows and lines, there just one bold color, it's orderly while warning about disorder.

For the most part I focused on centering these objects in the pictures and kept with the natural straight lines, which tend to go in at a little angle. The top right photo of the tower plays with layers and position since there are a lot of things physically in front of the main tower, but I think I accomplished making the viewer see the tower back there first (maybe only second to the bright cloudy sky). The bottom two use the power pop of color to draw the eye to them. 

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